Introducing Horizon Original Vinyl Model Kits
Horizon Original had produced collectable figures between 1987 through 2003.
Those collectable figures were designed and made based upon Hollywood movies and American Comic Heroes.
These original sculptures were created by professional artists who works for special effect teams in the Hollywood movie industries.
We had well communicate and exchanged the ideas between the artists and Horizon in order to create the figures should kept human anatomy but still represent the character’s personality.
We had produced over hundred of collections during our business term. We wish our collections brings you Joy, excitement and satisfaction.
This web site published information of Horizon Original Figures and the history toward to the collectors.
Horizon Original Vinyl Model Kits Released History 1987~2003
Released Products
Universal Monsters
The Phantom of the Opera 1/6scale
Dracula 1/6 scale
Bride of Frankenstein 1/6scale
The Mole People 1/6 scale
The Invisible Man 1/6 scale
Released Products
Marvel Comic
Spiderman 1/6 scale
The Punisher 1/6 scale
The Silver Surfer 1/6 scale
The Iron-man 1/6 scale
Released Products
Released Products
Carolco Pictures
Terminater 2 T-800 1/6 scale
Terminator T-1000 1/6 scale
T-800 Endoskeleton 1/6 Scale
Orion Pictures
Robocop-3 w/ Jet-pack 1/6 scale
Marvel Comic
Dark Phoenix 1/6 Scale
The Thing 1/6 Scale
Dr. Doom 1/6 Scale
Released Products
Jurassic Park
Rex (Tyrannosaurs Rex) 1/16 Scale
Raptor (Velociraptor) 1/5 Scale
Spitter (Dilophosaur) 1/4 Scale
Brachiosaurus 1/19 Scale
Batman Return
Batman (Mikel Keaton likeness) 1/6 Scale
Cat Woman (Michell Pfeiffer likeness) 1/6 Scale
Penguin ( Dannie De Vito likeness) 1/6 Scale
Horizon Original Paints & Tutorial Video
48 water-based Acrylic Paints/ featuring 10 different flesh tone (under supervision of Thomas N. Gilliland)
Explorations in Painting “How to assemble and paint vinyl model kit” (Production by Timberwolf Production / Play and Performed by Tomas N. Gilliland)
released Products
Terminator 2
Aerial Hunter killer 1/35 Scale
Hunter Killer Tank 1/35 Scale
DC Comic
Joker 1/6 Scale
Toho Movie Co
Godzilla 1/200 Scale (Pre Assembled & Pre Painted)
Universal Monsters
Frankenstein 1/6 Scale
Wolf Man 1/6 Scale
The Mummy 1/6 Scale
The Gillman Creature from Black Lagoon 1/6 Scale
Original Dinosaure
Tyrannosaurus Rex 1/30 Scale
Stegosaurus 1/30 Scale
Released Products
Species (Solid Model kit)
SIL resin model kit (Sil designed by H.R.Giga)
Steve Wang Signature series
Wind Slasher 1/8 Scale (solid Model kit)
Released Products
Speed Racer
Mach 5 spead racer car 1/24 Scale (solid Model kit)
Speed Racer Pewter Figure and Logo Key-chain
Giganter-28 (Solid Model) Fully Articulated model after assembled
Gigator-28 Statute (pre-painted, Pre assembled)
Ultraman pewter figure series.
DC Comic Heros
Classic Batmobil 1/24 (solid model kit)
Batmobil 1980 version (solid model kit)
Bat Plain 1/24 Scale (Solid Model Kit)
Flash (solid Model kit) 1/6 Scale
Joker 1/6 Scale with Background base unit (solid model kit)
SIL Statuette 12″tall SIL designed by H.R.Giga
Steve Wang Signature
Released Products
Released Products
DC comic 1/8scale
Mr. Freeze 1/8 Scale
Penguin 1/8 Scale
Two Face 1/8 Scale
Riddler 1/8 Scale
Bat Girl 1/8 Dcale
Joker on Throne 1/8 Scale
Batman Knight Quest 1/8 Scale Solid Modes only
Batman Knight End 1/8 Scale Solid Model only
Original Dinosaur Fossile collection
Rhamphorthynchus Size 11″ x 5″
Archaeopteryx Lithographica size 9″ x 8″
Pterodactylus Kochi (Juvenile) Size 7.5″ x 5″
Pterodctylus Kochi (Adult) Size 7″ x 9″
Archaeopteryx Lithographica with Feaather Size 9″ x 9″
Coelophysis Size 18″ x 8″
Released Products
DC Comic
Poison Ivy 1/8 with base solid model only
Original Dinosaur Chris Darga collection
Baby T-Rex Life size Scale assembled size H9″ x W 17.5″ x 7.5″
Velociraptor assembled Size H 10″ x W 30″ x D 8″
Tyrannosaurus Rex assembled Size H 19″ x W 34″ x D 18″
Triceratops assembled Size H 11″ x W 30″ x W 10″
Styracosaurs assembled Size H 9″ x W 23″ x D 7″
Special Thanks to All that supported this projects

In the Spring of 1975, I decided to move from my hometown in Tokyo, Japan to the vast lands of the United States. It was not a common thing at the time, but my 22 year old curiosity had me traveling across the Pacific Ocean leading to Los Angeles, California which I ended up living for the next 32 years.
I went back to school for a couple years to learn English as second language.
After getting out of school, I established my first business.
In 1981, I created a Japanese toy shop in downtown L.A. that went by the name, “PONY TOY GO -ROUND”. The store specialized in imported Japanese Toys and Hobby items related on Japanese animation such as Gundam plastic model kits and Japanese animation character toys and gift items.
By 1986, we decided we want to produce our own brand of toys.
I knocked on the door at The Universal Studio licensing office and succeeded to obtain our first product license! It was a very exciting moment for us.
Ever since then, we have met and worked together with wonderful professional artists, sculptors, figure paint artist, photographers, who supported “Horizon Original Project” for over the decade.
Even till this day, I am unable to find the right words to express how much gratitude and appreciation I have for the amazing creative team and my personal team at Horizon, I have had the greatest pleasure of working with. Their cooperation and high quality performances is what made this project amazingly great worth.
Thank you very much again to my fellow team.